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why babies cry?

Why babies cry?

Why babies cry?

Crying is a baby's primary means of communication. It's their way of expressing their needs and wants when they can't use words yet. While it can be frustrating for parents to listen to their baby cry, it's important to understand why babies cry and how to respond to their cries appropriately.


One of the most common reasons babies cry is because they're hungry. Babies have small stomachs, and they need to eat frequently to keep up with their growing bodies. If your baby is crying and it's been a few hours since their last feeding, they may be hungry. Feeding your baby on demand can help prevent hunger-related crying.

Dirty diaper

Another common reason babies cry is because they need a diaper change. Wet or dirty diapers can be uncomfortable for babies and cause them to cry. Check your baby's diaper if they're crying to see if it needs changing.


Babies need a lot of sleep, but they may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. If your baby is crying and seems tired, they may need to nap. A soothing routine before naps and bedtime can help babies get into a regular sleep routine.


Babies can't tell you if something is uncomfortable, so they cry instead. This could include things like a tight or uncomfortable piece of clothing, a scratchy tag, or even a hair wrapped around a finger or toe. Check your baby's clothing and skin to see if anything is causing discomfort.


Babies can get overwhelmed by too much stimulation. Loud noises, bright lights, or a lot of activity can all cause babies to cry. If your baby seems overstimulated, try moving them to a quiet, calm environment.

Colic and Gas

It's worth noting that colic and gas can also be reasons why babies cry. Colic is a term used to describe excessive crying in babies that is not caused by a medical issue. It typically occurs in the late afternoon or evening and can last for several hours. Gas can also cause discomfort and crying in babies. Signs of gas include fussiness, pulling legs up to the chest, and passing gas.

If you suspect that colic or gas may be causing your baby to cry, there are a few things you can try to help relieve their discomfort. For colic, some parents find that carrying their baby in a carrier or going for a walk can help. Others find that swaddling their baby or using white noise can be soothing. For gas, gently massaging your baby's tummy or using a warm compress can help relieve discomfort.

It's important to note that excessive crying can be stressful for parents, and it's okay to ask for help. Reach out to friends or family members for support, or talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist for advice on managing colic or gas.

Illness or pain

If your baby is crying more than usual and you can't find a reason for it, they may be sick or in pain. Common signs of illness include a fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea. If you're concerned about your baby's health, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider.

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